Monday, April 19, 2010

The reason I haven't posted lately

Well when my blog wasn't an instant success with money rolling in requiring Rob to quit his job to help me blog I decided it wasn't worth it :) Do any of you suffer from the same delusions as I do when you start something? I have many areas in my life that turn into problems because they didn't instantly have my desired effect. Such as, but not limited to....

Problem 1
Cooking-I get a new recipe and all the ingredients and I am positive (like Bridget in Bridget Jones Diary) that I will be a world famous chef and everyone dying to try out my new masterpieces only to have it turn out to be a complete flop, kids crying because they hate it, Rob won't eat it because butter was used and he is sure it will make him fat, and me eating it all to prove it wasn't all a waste of time and money. Answer the time and money and go for the Wendy's dollar menu.

Problem 2
Exercise- When my 30 min workout doesn't immediately make me drop 20lbs to reveal a smoking hot body that drives complete strangers to whistle out their windows as they drive by then it is not worth it. Answer.....brownies and ice cream.

Problem 3
Hobbies- If they don't suddenly turn into a money making fortune then they were not worth the 20 minutes I just put into them. Answer....bag hobbies and just spend the day feeling like I have no real identity other then being a mom.

Well with that being said I will try to be better at posting and realize the purpose of this blog was to share a few pics of the kids with Grandma and Grandpa while they are on their mission :)


A few pics from Easter.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eve

I loved listening to (the parts I was able to) a wonderful conference today. I am so thankful for a loving Savior and for a testimony that He lives. In a world where the headline news is constantly filled with tragedies, loss, and sorrow I am thankful for the knowledge that this life is not the end. I remember as a child trying to comprehend eternity and feeling so overwhelmed by the thought. I still can not comprehend no beginning and no end. I have to rely on words from my dad that we are in a telestial mind trying to understand celestial concepts. I am thankful for my testimony of the resurection and that we will live again. That those whom we have lost live on now and that this life is just a moment. I so selfishly did not want my parent to go on a mission because I rely on them so much, but if they are able to help others have that same knowledge and comfort that gospel of Jesus Christ has brought me then it will be worth it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Where is the fat lady?

It's 11:30 p.m. and the fat lady sang. In fact I sang a few songs but it's not over the day is still going. Jameson is asleep at least and with his eczema and chapped lips looks as though I put him to sleep with a little clown make-up but it's all him. Mercedes has a good hour left before she will hopefully zonk out. Ashton .....were do I start? His tongue sticking out at me in the pic just about sums it all up. The kido has had my number all day. Two diapers pooped in and removed-- AWESOME-- I will spare you the details but I will say there is now a ball downstairs labeled the poop ball and Jameson will probably never touch it again despite the bleaching it recieved. Today Ashton did not stick any bb's up his nose but chips and a cheerio were brief guests in his nasal passage. I put his pants on about 25 times (considered a staple gun more then once ;) ). If it weren't for the amazing amounts of joy he brings me, in spite of all the craziness, I would have given up. I love that little nut and hope he still loves me tomorrow...even though I threatened to toss his binki in the trash if he didn't GO TO BED!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I fooled them

So I told Jameson he could have doughnuts for breakfast. He ran up the stairs to find this... He wasn't disappointed but he also was not all that impressed either. I think my kids are still a little to young for April Fools jokes . Ashton didn't mind them since he likes cheerios and has no real interest in real doughnuts so he happily ate them all. Like most of my jokes on April fools it just didn't go over like I had planned.

I remember the joke I played on my parents when I was younger and living in Taiwan. Like most Chinese jokes it was lost in translation. I thought telling them I had broken both my legs after being hit by a car while riding my bike would be a dead give away...wouldn't you it was April Fools after all. I probably should have not gone into so much detail like how dirty the ambulance was, how roughly they picked me up and took me to some "hospital", and how I didn't think the bones were set properly, and that I was in to much pain to write any more and that I would have to write latter. Well to make a long story short by the time I called to say April Fools the joke had gone to far. Dad was to angry to talk to me and Mom just broke down crying. They already had started a fast with ward members, co-workers, and neighbors. They had my name in almost every temple in the valley and mom was looking at flight plan options. The joke eventually blew over but for months after returning home I had to take the comments and explain that I hadn't actually broken my legs and that it was a JOKE. I should have just told them that they were going to have a grandchild that was MADE IN TAIWAN it probably would have been funnier.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For a brief moment I feel defined by this blog...

I have long been debating on starting a blog. But like many things in my life I can't seem to commit for reasons unknown. It's like hanging artwork up. I feel as though once it's up I have defined my taste in something and I will therefore be judged by it. So I debate and wonder and give up. I don't know if I want to put something out there that "defines" me. All I ask is that you read with low expectations. I hope that by keeping this blog I might be able to share pieces of my life with those I love. I don't know how to begin or where to begin so take it for what it is...a work in progress.