Friday, April 2, 2010

Where is the fat lady?

It's 11:30 p.m. and the fat lady sang. In fact I sang a few songs but it's not over the day is still going. Jameson is asleep at least and with his eczema and chapped lips looks as though I put him to sleep with a little clown make-up but it's all him. Mercedes has a good hour left before she will hopefully zonk out. Ashton .....were do I start? His tongue sticking out at me in the pic just about sums it all up. The kido has had my number all day. Two diapers pooped in and removed-- AWESOME-- I will spare you the details but I will say there is now a ball downstairs labeled the poop ball and Jameson will probably never touch it again despite the bleaching it recieved. Today Ashton did not stick any bb's up his nose but chips and a cheerio were brief guests in his nasal passage. I put his pants on about 25 times (considered a staple gun more then once ;) ). If it weren't for the amazing amounts of joy he brings me, in spite of all the craziness, I would have given up. I love that little nut and hope he still loves me tomorrow...even though I threatened to toss his binki in the trash if he didn't GO TO BED!!!!